I am Christian Mercat, director of the Institute for Research on Math Education (IREM) in Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1. I am as well responsible for the Topic Study Group on math popularization (TSG7) at ICME13 in Hamburg, end of July 2016.
Your experience with Klein vignettes is a wonderful experience in the realm of math popularization. I am writing you in order to propose that you to write a paper for ICME13 in this group. What do you think? The submission is pretty easy and in 3 steps:
1st 4 pages till mid October for selection, then 8p for July 2016, then a possible chapter of a book afterwards if you want to. I think your experience in math popularization and more would be a good story to share. Thanks, best regards,
Christian Mercat
IREM de Lyon, Bâtiment Braconnier
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
21 avenue Claude Bernard
F-69622 Villeurbanne cedex
Tél: 04 72 44 81 24
I am Christian Mercat, director of the Institute for Research on Math Education (IREM) in Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1. I am as well responsible for the Topic Study Group on math popularization (TSG7) at ICME13 in Hamburg, end of July 2016.
Your experience with Klein vignettes is a wonderful experience in the realm of math popularization. I am writing you in order to propose that you to write a paper for ICME13 in this group. What do you think? The submission is pretty easy and in 3 steps:
1st 4 pages till mid October for selection, then 8p for July 2016, then a possible chapter of a book afterwards if you want to. I think your experience in math popularization and more would be a good story to share. Thanks, best regards,
Christian Mercat
IREM de Lyon, Bâtiment Braconnier
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
21 avenue Claude Bernard
F-69622 Villeurbanne cedex
Tél: 04 72 44 81 24