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Der Satz vom Igel

Autor:/ João Pimentel Nunes Übersetzt von Anna Muff (Universität Würzburg) Der Satz vom Igel (The Hairy Ball Theorem) ist ein Satz aus der Topologie, dem Teilgebiet der Mathematik, das sich mit der Form von Räumen befasst. Im Wesentlichen hat Henri … Continuer la lecture

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CHRISTIAN MERCAT ET MICHÈLE ARTIGUE Les frises et pavages accompagnent fréquemment l’enseignement des isométries. Les objets que nous allons considérer dans cette vignette, comme celui ci-dessous, n’en semblent pas éloignés. Cependant, leur compréhension fait intervenir d’autres mathématiques, la topologie et … Continuer la lecture

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CHRISTIAN MERCAT ET MICHÈLE ARTIGUE Friezes and tilings frequently accompany the teaching of isometries. The objects that we will consider in this vignette, like the one in Figure 1, are not far from them. However, their understanding involves other mathematics: … Continuer la lecture

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Book of the month: Felix Klein – Visions for mathematics, applications and teaching

Renate Tobies is a renowned historian of mathematics and natural sciences. As a profound researcher, she has been studying Felix Klein and his works for decades. As a quintessence of these studies, she has now presented a book on Felix … Continuer la lecture

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Book of the month: Étienne Ghys, La petite histoire des flocons de neige

Vu de près, un flocon révèle toutes sortes de splendeurs: une merveille de géométrie et de symétrie. En 1610, le grand astronome Johannes Kepler en fut étonné et voulut expliquer pourquoi les flocons ont six branches. Étienne Ghys s’est à … Continuer la lecture

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Book of the month: Étienne Ghys, La petite histoire des flocons de neige.

Seen up close, a snowflake reveals all sorts of splendors: a marvel of geometry and symmetry. In 1610, the great astronomer Johannes Kepler was astonished and wanted to explain why snowflakes have six branches. Etienne Ghys has in turn become … Continuer la lecture

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From synthetic geometry to dynamic geometry and back: the case of circular inversion

by Giulia Signorini, Michele Tocchet, both from “Liceo Filippo Buonarroti” in Pisa, and Anna Baccaglini-Frank, University of Pisa. In 1871 Felix Klein published two papers, called “On the so-called non-Euclidean geometry”, in which he proposed to call the first type … Continuer la lecture

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Site of the Month October: The German Imaginary-Project

The Site of the month October ist The German Imaginary-Project. IMAGINARY offers a platform for open and interactive mathematics with a variety of content that can be used in schools, at home, in museums, at exhibitions or for events and … Continuer la lecture

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Site of the Month September: The Global Math Project

The site of the month September ist The Global Math Project. The Global Math Project is a worldwide movement committed to inspiring educators everywhere to ignite and sustain in their students a love for learning mathematics. The ultimate goal of … Continuer la lecture

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Contribution of the month: Prizes in mathematics, 2020

by Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) Did you know? – Over 125,000 new items are added each year, to the international database managed by the American Mathematical Society called MathSciNet®1 A vast majority of these items contain … Continuer la lecture

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