Archives de l’auteur : admin

Mentire con le statistiche

Libro del mese di Aprile è Mentire con le statistiche di Darrell Huff. Mentire con le statistiche è l’edizione italiana di How to lie with statistics. È per tutte le persone che desiderano capire meglio il significato di numeri, dati … Continuer la lecture

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Libro del mes: Como Mentir com a Estatística

Libro del mes de abril es Cómo mentir con estadísticas de Darrell Huff. Lo que estas páginas, escritas con ingenio y humor, nos ofrecen es, en realidad, un curso de sentido común para aprender a descubrir los ardides con los … Continuer la lecture

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How To Lie With Statistics

April’s Book of the Month is How To Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff. Norton reissued this 1954 book in 1993, and this edition is available on Kindle. There is a 1991 Penguin edition and it has been translated into … Continuer la lecture

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The Exact Sciences in Antiquity

March’s Book of the Month is: The Exact Sciences in Antiquity by Otto Neugebauer. Second edition published in 1957 by Brown University Press, now republished by Dover in 1969. Commentary adapted from the Amazon website, see this link for further … Continuer la lecture

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Site du mois: CultureMATH

Site du mois de Mars: CultureMATH CultureMATH est un site dédié à la formation des professeurs de mathématiques du secondaire. Les articles publiés présentent des notions mathématiques du programme scolaire dans l’objectif de les revisiter, de les présenter d’une manière … Continuer la lecture

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March’s Site of the Month is: CultureMATH CultureMATH is a French language website dedicated to secondary mathematics teacher education. Published articles present mathematical ideas at several levels. The topics are often related to the curriculum, to present them more deeply. … Continuer la lecture

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Mathematical Etudes

February’s Site of the Month: Mathematical Etudes This is a Russian site, but has an English and a French version, use “en” or “fr” at the end of the URL. The site contains several 3D animated films that illustrate theorems … Continuer la lecture

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The Story of a Number

February’s Book of the Month is: The Story of a Number by Eli Manor. First published in 1993 and available in paperback in the Princeton Science Library. From the “Goodreads” website. See here for more details. “…. Geared to the … Continuer la lecture

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The Largest Known Primes

January’s Site of the Month: The Largest Known Primes – A Summary In January a new largest prime was found – with over 22 million digits. Cooper, Woltman, Kurowski and Blosser used GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) which is … Continuer la lecture

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Handel in der Stadt

Die Autoren des Originaltextes sind Alberto A. Pintoa (Universität Porto, cLIAAD-INESC Porto LA) und Telmo Parreira (Universität Minho, cLIAAD-INESC Porto LA). Warst du je frustriert von dem Mangel an Auswahl, wenn du etwas kaufen gehst? Warum neigen die Produzenten dazu … Continuer la lecture

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