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كيف يتم التخلص من المكمّمات؟

كيف يتم التخلص من المكمّمات؟

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محاولة التنبؤ بمسار ورقة عائمة: فوضى وتنبؤات

محاولة التنبؤ بمسار ورقة عائمة: فوضى وتنبؤات

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Proofs From The Book

April’s Book of the Month is Proofs From The Book by Martin Aigner and Günter Zeigler. (The first edition came out in 1998 — note the new editions) From the preface to the first edition. Paul Erdös liked to talk … Continuer la lecture

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How Google works: Markov chains and eigenvalues

Originating author is Christiane Rousseau. From its very beginning, Google became “the” search engine. This comes from the supremacy of its ranking algorithm: the PageRank algorithm. Indeed, with the enormous quantity of pages on the World-Wide-Web, many searches end up … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years | 5 commentaires


Originating author is Christiane Rousseau. How do we measure the size of a geometric object? For subsets of the plane we often use perimeter, length, area, diameter, etc. These are not sufficient to describe fractals. The fractal objects are very … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years | Laisser un commentaire

سلوك صدمات الموائع خلال الحركة

سلوك صدمات الموائع خلال الحركة

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من التّراجع إلى الاستقراء

من التّراجع إلى الاستقراء

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Fair voting: the quest for gold

Originating authors are Gabriel Rosenberg and Mark Iwen. It is a little known fact that two gold medals were awarded for the same pairs figure skating competition in the 2002 Winter Olympics. These two medals were ultimately a result of … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years | Laisser un commentaire

Goodstein Sequences: The Power of a Detour via Infinity

Originating authors are Michèle Artigue, Ferdinando Arzarello and Susanna Epp. Studying the evolution of a natural phenomenon often leads to studying numerical sequences , especially their long-term behavior and whether they eventually converge. Polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic sequences are frequently … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years | 3 commentaires

Matrices and Digital Images

Originating authors are Dirce Uesu Pesco and Humberto José Bortolossi. The images you see on internet pages and the photos you take with your mobile phone are examples of digital images. It is possible to represent this kind of image … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years | 10 commentaires