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Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
July’s featured book of the month is “Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions” by Martin Gardner. This book, which was originally published by Simon & Schuster in 1959, and later by University of Chigaco Press in 1988, is the first of several collections … Continuer la lecture
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August’s site of the month: Mathematikum This is the website of the Mathematics Museum in Gießen — it includes models and activities of interest to people of all ages.
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Images des Maths
July’s site of the month: Images des Maths This site is affiliated to the French National Center for Scientific Research. It contains reports about the latest events in mathematical research, and up-to-date articles that contain interesting discussions and applications of mathematics … Continuer la lecture
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كيف نركُم حبات البرتقال؟ – مخمَّنة كيبلر Kepler حول ركم الكرات
كيف نركُم حبات البرتقال؟ – مخمَّنة كيبلر Kepler حول ركم الكرات
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قانون بنفورد Benford: تعلم التزوير أو اكتشاف التزوير؟
قانون بنفورد Benford: تعلم التزوير أو اكتشاف التزوير؟
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كیف یعمل محرك غوغل Google: سلاسل ماركوف Markov والقیم الذاتیة
كیف یعمل محرك غوغل Google: سلاسل ماركوف Markov والقیم الذاتیة
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The Revenge of the Infinitesimals
Originating author is Michèle Artigue. Infinitesimals played an essential role in the emergence and development of differential and integral calculus. The evident productivity of this calculus did not prevent recurrent and fierce debates about the nature of these objects and … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years
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La revanche des infinitésimaux
Vignette écrite par Michèle Artigue. Les infinitésimaux ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l’émergence et le développement du calcul différentiel et intégral. La productivité évidente de ce calcul n’empêcha pas cependant des débats récurrents et parfois féroces sur la nature … Continuer la lecture
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Cryptographie à clé publique
Vignette écrite par Graeme L. Cohen (University of Technology, Sydney), Steven Galbraith (University of Auckland) et Edoardo Persichetti (University of Auckland). How can we safely send our credit card details over the internet, or using a mobile phone, when others … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Français
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