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Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
From now on we will feature a different book every month that is likely to be of interest to secondary teachers wanting to know more about mathematics. We have made the decision to use this feature to bring older books … Continuer la lecture
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Taschenrechner, Potenzreihen und Tschebyschow-Polynome
Von Graeme Cohen. Von allen bekannten Funktionen, wie zum Beispiel den Winkel-, Exponential- oder Logarithmusfunktionen, sind sicherlich die Funktionswerte von Polynomfunktionen am leichtesten zu berechnen. Dieser Artikel soll erstens den Begriff der Potenzreihe einführen, die auch als Polynomfunktion unendlichen Grades … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Vignettes @de
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Il Giardino di Archimede
This site of a museum in Florence not only encourages us to visit that beautiful city, but also contains materials for schools. It is easily navigated by those who do not speak Italian. Il Giardino di Archimede
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Classifying objects
Originating author is Christiane Rousseau. Mathematics offers tools for classifying objects. But is that of any practical use? More than we can imagine at first sight… It could allow us to conclude that a knot cannot be unknotted without cutting … Continuer la lecture
حكاية مثلثين : مثلثات هيرون والمنحنيات الناقصية
حكاية مثلثين : مثلثات هيرون والمنحنيات الناقصية
Publié dans غير مصنف
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تلوين الخرائط وأساسات غروبنر Gröbner
تلوين الخرائط وأساسات غروبنر Gröbner
Publié dans غير مصنف
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Starting in January, we began a “Site of the Month” feature. February’s site of the month is dedicated to: NRICH. NRICH is a team of mathematics teachers, who aim to enrich the mathematical experience for all. They provide engaging activities … Continuer la lecture
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O Teorema da Bola Cabeluda
Autor do original: João Pimentel Nunes. O teorema da bola cabeluda é um resultado da Topologia, a disciplina matemática que estuda a forma dos espaços. Em grande parte, ele resulta do trabalho nos finais do século XIX do grande matemático francês Henri Poincaré … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Vignettes @pt-br
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The Hairy Ball Theorem
Originating author is João Pimentel Nunes The Hairy Ball Theorem is from topology, that part of mathematics that is concerned with the form of spaces. For the most part, this result came from work at the end of the 19th … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Mathematics Within the Last 100 Years
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