Archives de l’auteur : admin

Die Rache der Infinitesimalen

Originalautorin ist Michèle Artigue. (Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Reinhild Kokula, Universität Würzburg) Infinitesimale spielten eine wichtige Rolle in der Entstehung und Entwicklung der Differential- und Integralanalysis. Die offensichtliche Leistungsfähigkeit der Analysis verhinderte allerdings nicht die wiederkehrenden heftigen Debatten über die … Continuer la lecture

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Faire Bewertungen: Das Streben nach Gold

Orginalautoren sind Gabriel Rosenberg und Mark Iwen. (Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Reinhild Kokula, Universität Würzburg) Es ist nur wenigen Leuten bekannt, dass während der Olympischen Winterspiele 2002 an zwei Teams die Goldmedaille in der Kategorie Paareiskunstlauf verliehen wurde. Diese zwei … Continuer la lecture

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Wie Google funktioniert

Ursprüngliche Autorin ist Christiane Rousseau. (Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Reinhild Kokula, Universität Würzburg) Schon von Anfang an war Google „die“ Suchmaschine. Der Grund dafür ist die Überlegenheit seines Rangfolgenalgorithmus: der PageRank Algorithmus. Wegen der enormen Menge an Seiten im World-Wide-Web … Continuer la lecture

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Famous Problems in Mathematics

January’s Book of the Month is Famous Problems in Mathematics by Heinrich Tietze, first published in German in 1959, and republished in 1990 by DTV. An English translation published by Graylock Press in 1964. The preface contains a beautiful metaphor … Continuer la lecture

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Famous Problems in the History of Mathematics

January’s Site of the Month is Famous Problems in the History of Mathematics. This site is part of NCTM’s MathForum and continues the problems theme of recent Sites and Books of the Month.

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Hilbert’s Problems

December’s Site of the Month is Hilbert’s 2000 Lecture. At the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900, David Hilbert presented ten important unsolved problems. When his lecture was published it contained 23 problems, several of which have now been solved … Continuer la lecture

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+Plus Magazine

November’s Site of the Month is +Plus. +Plus is an internet magazine from Cambridge University that is now connected to the Millenium Mathematics Project which “aims to help people of all ages and abilities share in the excitement of mathematics … Continuer la lecture

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Applications of Mathematics

October’s Site of the Month is Applications of Mathematics. This is part of the Mathigon website, directed at resources for schools. However the Applications of Mathematics section has links to several references for each application where the reader can access … Continuer la lecture

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The Pythagorean Theorem

December’s Book of the Month is The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4000-year History by Eli Moar, published in 2007 by Princeton Science Library. This is the third book that celebrates a famous equation, in this case one that is so well … Continuer la lecture

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Euler’s Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology

November’s Book of the Month is Euler’s Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology by David Richeson, published in 2008 by Princeton University Press. (Adapted from the Amazon description) Leonhard Euler’s polyhedron formula describes the structure of many … Continuer la lecture

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