موقع الشهر: منظمة “جسور” (البريدج) Bridges

Bridges Org

موقع الشهر:
منظمة “جسور” (البريدج) Bridges

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موقع الشهر: متحف “ماتيماتيكوم” Mathematikum


موقع الشهر:
متحف “ماتيماتيكوم” Mathematikum

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موقع الشهر: صور الرياضيات Images des Maths


موقع الشهر:
صور الرياضيات Images des Maths

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موقع الشهر: حديقة أرخميدس Il Giardino di Archimede

موقع الشهر:
حديقة أرخميدس Il Giardino di Archimede

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موقع الشهر: أنريتش NRICH

eNRICHing mathematics

موقع الشهر:
أنريتش NRICH

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موقع الشهر: رياضيات كوكب الأرض Mathematics of Planet Earth

Mathematics of Planet Earth

موقع الشهر: رياضيات كوكب الأرض Mathematics of Planet Earth

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Tentando prever uma folha flutuante: caos e previsões

Jahreszeit__Herbst__Blatt__Baum__rot__farbig__Wasser__schwimmenAutor do original: César R. de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos.

Que trajetória seguirá uma folha flutuando em águas turbulentas? Seria mesmo possível montar um modelo matemático para prever tal movimento? Este é o mesmo tipo de problema que se enfrenta para prever o caminho dos planetas em torno do Sol? Mesmo quando conhecemos as regras que governam o movimento de um objeto, e podemos determinar as circunstâncias iniciais, verifica-se que alguns movimentos podem ser previstos e outros não. E naõ se trata apenas de uma questão de simplicidade: podemos modelar sistemas imprevisíveis com equac ̧ões muito simples. Veremos como a imprevisibilidade pode ser gerada de maneira simples. Um dos principais objetivos dos modelos téoricos é fazer (boas) previsões. Contudo, há sistemas dinâmicos determinísticos que na prática são imprevisíveis; eles são os chamados sistemas cáoticos. O objetivo deste texto é discutir como tal imprevisibilidade é gerada, e a principal ferramenta matemática aqui será a representação decimal dos números reais.

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Mathematical Association of America

November’s Site of the Month: Mathematical Association of America

A comprehensive site aimed primarily at the undergraduate level, but useful for all those interested in mathematics. At the bottom of the page the Community Centre is worth exploring: the SIGMAA’s are particular interest groups; the Blogs are by mathematicians; the Most Popular Topics can be clicked on to find books reviews. On the right hand side, the Found Math link in the Fun Math section links to a variety of interesting artifacts.

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Gödel, Escher, Bach – An Eternal Golden Braid

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden BraidNovember’s Book of the Month is Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter (Basic Books, 1979).

This book is about symmetry, self-reference, and other fundamental mathematical ideas explored through the works of the three people named in the title. Despite word-play being a fundamental feature of the book, it has been successfully translated into French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Dutch and Russian.
Douglas Hofstadter took over from Martin Gardner writing for the Scientific American. A collection of these writings, Metamagical Themas, is another work that will be of interest.

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ثأر لامتناهيات الصغر

ثأر لامتناهيات الصغر

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