Indra’s Pearls – The Vision of Felix Klein

Indra's_Pearls_book_coverAugust’s featured book of the month is “Indra’s Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein” by David Mumford, Caroline Series and David Wright.

Wikipedia says:
“The book explores the patterns created by iterating conformal maps of the complex plane called Möbius transformations, and their connections with symmetry and self-similarity.

The book’s title refers to Indra’s net, a metaphorical object described in the Buddhist text of the Flower Garland Sutra. Indra’s net consists of an infinite array of gossamer strands and pearls. The frontispiece to Indra’s Pearls quotes the following description:

In the glistening surface of each pearl are reflected all the other pearls … In each reflection, again are reflected all the infinitely many other pearls, so that by this process, reflections of reflections continue without end.

The allusion to Felix Klein’s “vision” is a reference to Klein’s early investigations of Schottky groups and hand-drawn plots of their limit sets. It also refers to Klein’s wider vision of the connections between group theory, symmetry and geometry.”

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Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions


July’s featured book of the month is “Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions” by Martin Gardner.

This book, which was originally published by Simon & Schuster in 1959, and later by University of Chigaco Press in 1988, is the first of several collections of Martin Gardner’s column in the Scientific American (by christopher). These books represent a very small proportion of the total writings of Martin Garnder — for a full bibliography go to Martin Gardner’s website.

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August’s site of the month: Mathematikum

This is the website of the Mathematics Museum in Gießen — it includes models and activities of interest to people of all ages.

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Images des Maths


Verhulst dynamics, by Jean-François Colonna

July’s site of the month: Images des Maths

This site is affiliated to the French National Center for Scientific Research. It contains reports about the latest events in mathematical research, and up-to-date articles that contain interesting discussions and applications of mathematics (such as a modelling of the Ebola virus outbreak). The articles are written in concise and comprehensive fashion.

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كيف نركُم حبات البرتقال؟ – مخمَّنة كيبلر Kepler حول ركم الكرات

كيف نركُم حبات البرتقال؟ – مخمَّنة كيبلر Kepler حول ركم الكرات

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قانون بنفورد  Benford: تعلم التزوير أو اكتشاف التزوير؟

قانون بنفورد  Benford: تعلم التزوير أو اكتشاف التزوير؟

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المصفوفات والصور الرقمية

المصفوفات والصور الرقمیة

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كیف یعمل محرك غوغل Google: سلاسل ماركوف Markov والقیم الذاتیة

كیف یعمل محرك غوغل Google:
سلاسل ماركوف Markov والقیم الذاتیة

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The Revenge of the Infinitesimals

Originating author is Michèle Artigue.

Infinitesimals played an essential role in the emergence and development of differential and integral calculus. The evident productivity of this calculus did not prevent recurrent and fierce debates about the nature of these objects and the legitimacy of their use. At the end of the 19th century, when the construction of real numbers from integers and the modern definition of the concept of limit provided a solid foundation for differential and integral calculus, infinitesimals and the associated metaphysics was rejected and their use perceived synonymous with bygone and poorly rigorous practices. However, the language of infinitesimals continued to be used, for example in physics and even in mathematics. It never completely disappeared from the informal discourse and heuristic thinking of a number of researchers.

Is this language thus really incompatible with mathematical rigour? What does it offer that is interesting and specific, which explains its permanence? Non-Standard Analysis developed in the 20th century and provided answers to these questions and enabled infinitesimals to take their revenge.

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La revanche des infinitésimaux

Vignette écrite par Michèle Artigue.

Les infinitésimaux ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l’émergence et le développement du calcul différentiel et intégral. La productivité évidente de ce calcul n’empêcha pas cependant des débats récurrents et parfois féroces sur la nature de ces objets et la légitimité de leur usage. A la fin du 19ème siècle, quand la construction des nombres réels à partir des entiers, la définition moderne de la notion de limite, eurent fourni des fondations solides au calcul différentiel et intégral, les infinitésimaux et la métaphysique qui les avait entourés furent rejetés et leur usage perçu synonyme de pratiques peu rigoureuses désormais révolues. Pourtant, le langage des infinitésimaux continua à être utilisé par exemple en physique et, même en mathématiques, il n’a jamais complètement disparu du discours informel, de la pensée heuristique de nombre de chercheurs.

Alors ce langage est-il réellement incompatible avec la rigueur mathématique ? Et qu’offre-t-il d’intéressant, de spécifique qui explique sa permanence ? L’Analyse non standard développée au 20ème siècle a permis de répondre à ces questions, et aux infinitésimaux de prendre leur revanche.

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