Livro do Mês: Como Mentir com a Estatística

StatiLivro do Mês de abril é Como Mentir com a Estatística de Darrell Huff.
Com um prefácio de Dinis Pestana, Professor de Estatística da Universidade de Lisboa – «Mentiras, Mentiras do Caraças e Estatística»

«A juventude não é uma questão de idade. A colecção «Ciência Aberta» tem mais de 30 anos e continua nova. Após ter recebido o Grande Prémio Ciência Viva e ter publicado o número 200 prossegue com este verdadeiro clássico da divulgação científica, que, apesar de ter quase 60 anos, continua extraordinariamente actual. Faltava a edição portuguesa que o leitor tem agora em mãos.

Hoje como ontem a estatística continua a ser levianamente evocada por tudo e por nada, numa e noutra área (na política, na economia, na publicidade, etc.), a propósito e a despropósito, muitas vezes para justificar o injustificável. E só um cidadão com cultura científica, um cidadão que leia este e outros livros da colecção «Ciência Aberta», pode estar prevenido para os erros e abusos cometidos em nome da ciência. No Ano Internacional da Estatística a Gradiva orgulha-se de publicar este livro de Darrell Huff, enriquecido pelo tão sábio como divertido prefácio de Dinis Pestana, professor de Estatística da Universidade de Lisboa.

Depois de o ler, o leitor não mais vai olhar para um inquérito ou para uma média da mesma maneira!»

Carlos Fiolhais –> link

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Mentire con le statistiche

StatiLibro del mese di Aprile è Mentire con le statistiche di Darrell Huff.

Mentire con le statistiche è l’edizione italiana di How to lie with statistics. È per tutte le persone che desiderano capire meglio il significato di numeri, dati e deduzioni da cui siamo continuamente inondati e confusi. Un testo scientificamente preciso, ma di facile lettura. Ironico e divertente, ma molto serio nella sostanza. Oltre a più di 500.000 copie diffuse in inglese, ha avuto traduzioni in diverse altre lingue. La più recente, prima di questa, è l’edizione cinese del 2003. In questa edizione si aggiungono le interessanti osservazioni di due autori italiani, che aggiornano e completano il valore del testo originale. –> link

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Libro del mes: Como Mentir com a Estatística

StatiLibro del mes de abril es Cómo mentir con estadísticas de Darrell Huff.

Lo que estas páginas, escritas con ingenio y humor, nos ofrecen es, en realidad, un curso de sentido común para aprender a descubrir los ardides con los que cada día pretenden engañarnos, manipulando cifras y gráficas, los medios de comunicación, los políticos, la publicidad… Lo que aquí se nos cuenta resulta divertido; pero es bueno tomarlo en serio, porque, como nos dice el autor, “los desaprensivos ya conocen estos trucos; los hombres honrados deben aprenderlos en defensa propia”. –> link

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How To Lie With Statistics

StatiApril’s Book of the Month is How To Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff. Norton reissued this 1954 book in 1993, and this edition is available on Kindle. There is a 1991 Penguin edition and it has been translated into many languages.

This book may be over 60 years old, (and therefore the examples are dated), and statistics has certainly moved on since it was first published, but the volume remains a best-seller and is a humorously illustrated light introduction to many key ideas in statistics. It informs us about statistics through showing how statistical analyses can be used to fool and create misunderstanding.

For other translations look here: Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish, Greek

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The Exact Sciences in Antiquity

exactSciencesMarch’s Book of the Month is: The Exact Sciences in Antiquity by Otto Neugebauer. Second edition published in 1957 by Brown University Press, now republished by Dover in 1969.

Commentary adapted from the Amazon website, see this link for further information: Based on a series of lectures to non-experts 1949, this is the standard non-technical coverage of Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics and astronomy. It reveals that the Babylonian strength in algebraic and numerical work is comparable to the mathematics of the early Renaissance in Europe. In the realm of astronomy, it describes a sophistication which is interpreted less as the result of millennia of observations (as used to be the interpretation) than as a competent mathematical system. An Appendix discusses certain aspects of Greek astronomy and the indebtedness of the Copernican system to Ptolemaic and Islamic methods.

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Site du mois: CultureMATH

culturMATHSite du mois de Mars: CultureMATH

CultureMATH est un site dédié à la formation des professeurs de mathématiques du secondaire. Les articles publiés présentent des notions mathématiques du programme scolaire dans l’objectif de les revisiter, de les présenter d’une manière plus approfondie. D’autres ressources sont diposnibles : des expériences pédagogiques, des exemples de résolution de problèmes (afin de présenter la diversité des procédures), et les questions du jeudi (énigmes).

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culturMATHMarch’s Site of the Month is: CultureMATH

CultureMATH is a French language website dedicated to secondary mathematics teacher education. Published articles present mathematical ideas at several levels. The topics are often related to the curriculum, to present them more deeply. Other resources are also available: some pedagogical experiences, examples of problem solving (in order to present the diversity of procedures), and a series of puzzles.

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Mathematical Etudes

01_301_2February’s Site of the Month: Mathematical Etudes

This is a Russian site, but has an English and a French version, use “en” or “fr” at the end of the URL.

The site contains several 3D animated films that illustrate theorems or ideas in mathematics, and much more. For example, in the Apps for iPhones there are 90 cryptarithms which are available in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.

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The Story of a Number

storyofanumberFebruary’s Book of the Month is: The Story of a Number by Eli Manor. First published in 1993 and available in paperback in the Princeton Science Library.

From the “Goodreads” website. See here for more details.
“…. Geared to the reader with only a modest background in mathematics, the book describes the story of e from a human as well as a mathematical perspective. In a sense, it is the story of an entire period in the history of mathematics, from the early seventeenth to the late nineteenth century, with the invention of calculus at its center. Many of the players who took part in this story are here brought to life. …. The unifying theme throughout the book is the idea that a single number can tie together so many different aspects of mathematics …. The book ends with an account of the discovery of transcendental numbers ….”

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The Largest Known Primes

BigPrimeBigJanuary’s Site of the Month: The Largest Known Primes – A Summary

In January a new largest prime was found – with over 22 million digits. Cooper, Woltman, Kurowski and Blosser used GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) which is software that, since 1996, has generated many new primes.
This web page describes these, and other, types of large primes, links to further information, and discusses Euclid’s proof of the infinitude of primes

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